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Statement Young Afghan Women Movement


Het is deze week 1 jaar geleden dat Taliban Kaboel, Afghanistan, innamen. Wij delen deze week bijdragen van activisten die zich inzetten voor de rechten van alle vrouwen, meisjes en andere groepen in een gemarginaliseerde positie in Afghanistan.

Young Afghan Women Movement

The statement has been released by Young Afghan Women Movement, a transactional solidarity network catering to capacity building and peer engagement of Afghan women and girls, situated within and outside their home country in an effort to mobilise support and resources in the path to realising a feminist world. The movement further aims to build awareness and international support for the realisation of Afghan women rights through campaigns and advocacy.

The statement comes after the one year tragic aftermath of Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan's political and social realities and the millions of Afghans who are grappling with the extremist group's draconian policies.



In de Kennisbank vind je meer informatie over wereldwijde gendergelijkheid, respect voor vrouwenrechten en alle thema’s waar WO=MEN zich voor inzet.