Op dinsdag
31 oktober organiseerde het WO=MEN ledenplatform het allereerste Feministisch Buitenlandbeleid Community Festival. Samen met onze leden CARE
Nederland, Cordaid en Hivos stelden we onze vergaderzalen en andere ruimtes in
Den Haag ter beschikking voor een divers, inclusief en interactief community
Het werd
een ludieke, informele en leuke dag die was opgezet vanuit én voor het
maatschappelijk middenveld in binnen- en buitenland. We hebben hier kennis en
ervaringen met elkaar gedeeld over alles wat te maken heeft met Feministisch
Buitenlandbeleid (FBB). Het was een inspirerende dag vol verdiepende en
thema-overstijgende gesprekken en kennismakingen. En natuurlijk werd er ook
Het idee
van een community festival is voortgekomen uit de inventarisatie die we hebben
gedaan onder onze leden en partners van voorstellen die waren ingediend voor
de Shaping
Feminist Foreign Policy Conferentie van het ministerie
van Buitenlandse Zaken op 1-2 november. Hieruit bleek een groot enthousiasme én
behoefte voor meer samenwerking en netwerkmogelijkheden rondom FBB.
hier voor alle locaties in Den Haag waar de FBB Community Festival evenementen plaatsvonden. Het blokkenschema dat hierboven gelinkt is heeft ook een overzichtskaart.
Panel Session: Promoting a gender transformative recovery of Ukraine
By Ukrainian Women’s Fund, 09.30 – 11.00h, hosted by WO=MEN.
The Feminist Foreign Policy
Community Festival kicked off at WO=MEN with a very
interesting interactive panel discussion between the Ukraine Government
Commissioner for Gender Policy and a number of outspoken Ukrainian women
activists (details on the panel here). They discussed the need
for a genuine gender lens in a post-war recovery strategy for Ukraine and ended with a Q&A with the audience.
The session discussed the
currently planned Ukraine post-war recovery strategy and addressed the
important need to include a local perspective as well as a gender/
intersectional perspective. This is in line with Ukraine’s strategy to localise
the women, peace and security agenda and their regional National Action Plans
1325. We explored how a feminist foreign policy can support such a strategy. Concrete
recommendations were formulated to inform Ukrainian and international
stakeholders working on post-conflict recovery settings.
Read the blogpost on this panel discussion here
Transformative approaches to Feminist Resourcing
By Count Me In! (CMI!), 09.30 – 11.00h, hosted at The Grey Space in the Middle.
a moment when feminist movements are both making important gains and also
facing increasing threats around the world, it is critical for Feminist Foreign
Policies to deliver meaningful support to those at the forefront of advancing
gender equality and human rights: namely, autonomous feminist movements,
particularly those led by structurally excluded communities. This community
dialogue unpacked the politics of resourcing, examined recent funding trends, and explored participatory and transformative approaches to
funding inclusive feminist movements well - abundantly, flexibly, and
sustainably – as a strategy to deliver on the ambitions of FFP and to
collectively move us closer to more just, joyful, liberated futures.
Queering Feminist Foreign Policy
By COC & Hivos, 09.30 – 11.00h, hosted by Hivos.
is a misconception feminism is about women. Patriarchal norms affect us all.
The queer community is disproportionately affected by restrictive norms and
policies regulating their love and life. For FFPs to truly reach system change,
we must look at the challenges faced by those furthest left behind. The
workshop equipped participants with insights and understanding of
how FFP affects the queer movement, as well how a queered implementation of the
FFP can aid the fight for equal rights for all.
Gender, Climate, Peace & Security: wrapping our heads around the Triple Nexus+
By CARE Philippines & CARE Netherlands, 9.30 - 11.00h, hosted by CARE Netherlands
Extreme weather events are
becoming more frequent. Natural resources are becoming scarcer. Disasters and
conflict are on the rise. People forced to flee have doubled in the past 10
years to more than 108 million people. Civic space is shrinking, and organisations
working on gender equity and women's rights are in many contexts the first to
be under attack. In an era marked by unprecedented complexities, the Triple
Nexus+ represents a visionary approach that encourages us to integrate
humanitarian aid, development, peacebuilding, climate action, and gender
equality. We explored the synergies and innovations at the intersection of these critical
domains, forging new insights and understanding to navigate a more sustainable,
resilient, inclusive, and gender-sensitive world. How can we combine forces to
better address the most pressing issues of our time?
Promoting Localization through Feminist Foreign Policy: How FFP can support women and feminist-led approaches to humanitarian action, peace, security, and conflict-prevention
By Women’s Refugee Commission, 09.30 – 11.00h, hosted by Cordaid
In recent years, an increasing
number of countries have adopted National Action Plans on the Implementation of
UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace, and Security framework. At the same time, an
increasing number of countries have adopted Feminist Foreign Policies (FFPs)
that aim to address gender inclusion in peace and security. Yet, without a
common definition for FFP, these normative frameworks are widely viewed as
parallel processes that are not fully integrated through international
cooperation in addressing conflict and crises. This interactive workshop was based on
the premise that the WPS framework and FFP are, and must be, mutually
reinforcing. As we move toward stronger localization of humanitarian action and
advance gender-responsive approaches to peace and security, we face critical
questions about how FFP can advance localization through increasing support for
women’s and feminist civil society organizations and movements. Our session took a critical
view of the humanitarian assistance architecture and challenge participants to
consider how the twin imperatives of localization and the promotion of
gender-responsive peace, security and conflict prevention mechanisms can be
further developed.
FFP in Security Policy and Practice: How to Centre Human Security, Demilitarization and Disarmament?
By PAX, SIHA, Women Now & WILPF, 11.30 – 13.00h, hosted at The Grey Space in the Middle.
security is central? While defence spending soars in Europe and throughout the
world, there are a growing number of states adopting a Feminist Foreign Policy.
What actions are needed to centre peace and security in Feminist Foreign Policy
and what are the implications of security policies? This session moved from discussing demilitarisation abstractly
towards implementation of FFP principles and commitments. Concrete actions and
reforms are needed, shaped by and grounded in the realities of conflict affected
communities. During the session, panellists and attendees enterde into conversation together, discussing crucial
questions and formulating actions needed to advance Peace and Security through
Feminist Foreign Policy.
Read the PAX blog on their session here
Feminist Foreign Policy theory and trade-offs
By Cordaid, WIPC & The Broker, 11.30 – 13.00h, hosted by Cordaid.
workshop looked at FFP policy theory and trade-offs, leverage
points within the specific country contexts of South Sudan and Afghanistan.
This workshop will be used for research reflecting on the realities of
implementing Feminist Foreign Policy in fragile and conflict affected
Walking the Talk - centering Majority World voices and experiences in FFP monitoring and accountability
By Hivos, Equipop, Restless Development & Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, 11.30 – 13.00h, hosted by Hivos.
FFP aims to concretely and practically bring a feminist perspective to foreign
policies, practices and funding. To assess whether a FFP indeed lives up to
these expectations, it is essential to understand if and how it contributes to
positive changes in the lives of women and LGBTIQ+ persons in practice. FFP
monitoring and accountability mechanisms therefore need to center the experiences and voices from a
diversity of Majority World feminists. This session generated ideas and practical proposals on how this can
be achieved. This will allow for better monitoring of the real results and
impact of a FFP, to understand its results and to propose changes to optimize
its impact.
Read the HIVOS blog on their session here
Man up for equality: What difference are feminist foreign policies making and can we increase their impact by engaging men and boys?
By Raising Voices, Breakthrough India, Emancipator, CARE (NL, UK, Uganda), 11.30 - 13.00, hosted by CARE Netherlands
In this session we discussed what
difference Feminist Foreign Policies are making and what opportunities they
provide to address gender-based violence more effectively. Then we zoomed in on what
needs to be done to change harmful gender norms which underpin inequality and
violence. We explored how men and boys can be involved as allies of and advocates for
transformative change. How can we engage men without shrinking the space for
women and decentering their needs? How can we engage men and boys in a way that
makes gender inequality their priority?
Communicating Lived Realities and
Making Change through Art
By Our Voices Our Futures (OVOF) consortium, CREA, UHAI, 13.30 - 15.00h, hosted at Grey Space in the Middle.
This session was all about discussing theory
and practice of using arts in activism: artivism. OVOF focuses on creating
space to hear the voices of structurally silenced and excluded communities. How
are different art forms used in online and offline spaces to amplify voices and
make real change? The audience had the opportunity to interact with two amazing
artivists from India and Uganda to learn from their realities, strategies and
their work.
- Interactive panel conversation
moderated by Mercy Otekra (UHAI-EASHRI,
Kenya) with feminist film maker and writer Shabani Hassanwalia (The
Third Eye, India) and activist poet and author Juliet Kushaba (ArtVism,
Uganda). Artivism in action using poetry and painting guided by Juliet Kushaba
Feminist Foreign Policy: Questions and Discussion
Global Partner Network for Feminist Foreign Policy advocacy working group, 13.30 – 15.00h, hosted by WO=MEN.
session formed an opportunity to workshop questions (big and small) on feminist
foreign policy before
the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy conference began. This interactive session surfaced key questions (there is no such thing as a dumb
question) and then crowdsourced
possible responses. Were there questions that arose during the day of the
FFP Community Festival or are there questions that have remained unanswered for
far too long? What would
help you prepare for the official conference? What keeps going around and
around in your brain? We may not find all the answers, but together we can
advance our thinking.
Implementing a Feminist Foreign Policy: The role of women faith actors
By Mensen met een Missie, Tearfund & Faith to Action Network, 13.30 – 15.00h, hosted by Cordaid.
discussion on the role of women faith actors in the implementation of a
Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) with representatives of different sectors:
Grassroots practitioners from various countries, Academics, Government,
European External Action Service, and the Dutch Parliament. With all
representatives we discussed
their view on: how they see the role of women faith actors in implementing a
FFP; how inclusion and participation of women faith actors in local peace and
security processes can be strengthened; how grassroots and international
efforts can join together to strengthen the implementation of a FFP.
The future is now! The road to meaningful & inclusive youth participation as a core principle in FFP
By Amref Flying Doctors & Restless Development, 13.30 – 15.00h, hosted by Hivos.
Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) recognises the critical and active role that
young people can play in advancing global gender equality and women's rights.
In this session, our aim was to
explore the practical implementation of Meaningful & Inclusive Youth
Participation (MIYP) within the context of FFP. We facilitated an exploratory dialogue with a panel of young
feminists (of different genders) actively promoting gender equality. They
discussed practical examples of enhancing MIYP within
FFP, shared successful approaches and addressed challenges that require adjustment.
Feminist Foreign Policy made sexy
By SekswerkExpertise, SWAD, 13.30 – 15.00h, hosted by Hivos.
Dutch FFP promises intersectionality. How are, and how should sex workers be
involved in Feminist Foreign Policy to truly deliver on its promises? Sex
worker rights activists, academics and their supporters weighed in and informed an audience on how to take a stand together to ensure
equal rights, meaningful participation and sufficient resources for one the
most marginalized communities in focus of FFP.
Feminist Foreign Policy and the Prevention of Gender Persecution
WILPF Afghanistan in exile, WILPF International Secretariat & Peace Track Initiative (Yemen), 13.30 - 15.00h, hosted by CARE Netherlands.
this session, we discussed
the root causes of conflict, militarised masculinities, and its links to gender
persecution through the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
(WILPF)’s novel analysis and pathways for change, including the role men allies
can play in supporting women’s rights movements in dismantling gender
persecution and towards sustainable feminist peace. Based on the experiences of
women’s rights activists from Afghanistan and Yemen, the session looked at discovering possibilities, challenges, and
implications of concrete step towards and ambitious and creative feminist
foreign policy, a policy that effectively protects the human rights of women.
The session commenced by showing the WILPF documentary
Power on Patrol: the Making and Unmaking of Militarised Masculinities in Afghanistan.
Read the WILPF blog on their session here
Corporate engagement as a strategy for actioning the trade and aid agenda
By Women Win, 15.30 - 17.00h, hosted by Hivos.
The private sector plays a
crucial role in actioning our trade and aid agenda, including the strategy
around the Feminist Foreign Policy. Women Win believes in the power of
partnership between Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the private sector
for advancing women's economic empowerment and has been supporting CSOs
globally to influence the corporate agenda and co-create impactful
interventions in partnership with businesses. We also know that cross-sectoral
collaboration is not always easy. This workshop focused on exploring the potential of
collaborating with the private sector, offered practical tools, and
demonstrated how this can effectively support Gender-Responsive Human Rights
Due Diligence.
Documentary screening of Raat: Night Time In Small Town India, followed by Q&A with the producer
By Our Voices Our Futures (OVOF), CREA, The Third Eye, 15.30 - 16.30h, hosted at Grey Space in the Middle.
Raat: Night Time In Small Town
India encapsulates the experiences and events of the night in Uttar Pradesh,
Rajasthan and Jharkhand. Men and women from the three states set forth, armed
with a camera to witness and record small town India at night. What does one
really see at night?
*The film is in Hindi with English subtitles.
"More than arriving at a film, for us, Raat was a process of understanding
and internalizing that time, and the act of claiming it for oneself, is a
political act. Negotiating our realities within the everyday, is a political
act.” – The Third Eye
Book Event with Stephenie Foster: "Feminist Foreign Policy in Theory and in Practice"
By WO=MEN, 15.30 – 17.00h, hosted by Hivos.
Feminist Foreign Policy in
Theory and in Practice outlines the foundations of feminist foreign policy and
the fundamental concepts discussed and utilized by governments, civil society
organizations, and those in the academic community as they define, formulate,
and implement it. The book furthers the global conversation around how
countries can develop and execute approaches to foreign policy and national
security that go beyond conflict prevention and resolution and use a feminist
or gendered lens.
At the FFP Community Festival, one of the authors Stephenie Foster was live to
present her book, talk about implementation of feminist foreign,
development, and trade policies at the multilateral and national levels; and
answer all of your questions. Foster is co-founder of Smash
Strategies, former Senior Advisor/Counselor to the Ambassador-at-Large for
Global Women’s Issues, and Senior Advisor to the Coordinator for Afghan
Relocation Efforts, U.S. Department of State, and former Professorial Lecturer
and Executive-in-Residence at the American University Women & Politics
Institute. Moderated by Marene Elgershuizen.
Feminist Foreign Policy PubQuiz!
Count Me In!, WO=MEN, Hivos, 18.30 - 21.30h (followed by a feminist silent disco!), hosted at Grey Space in the Middle.
It was an evening of fun, food & feminism at the Grey Space in the Middle.
With the ever-dazzling quiz master Quirine Lengkeek and a thrilling jury to
ensure fairness abides people joined a team to compete for great
prizes and the ultimate title of Feminist Foreign Policy Quiz Champion. People enjoyed food, drinks, live performances and the great atmosphere.
After the quiz the feminist silent disco hit it off with music from around the world - because as Emma Goldman said: "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution".
Vragen? Neem contact op met onze programma manager
politieke lobby
Anika Snel.
Let op: wij zijn niet betrokken bij de organisaties van de
Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Meer over die conferentie vind je
hier. Natuurlijk zullen wij en veel van onze leden en partners bij die conferentie wel te vinden zijn, onder andere op de markplaats.