Actueel | Agenda


Gender Equality in the Great Lake District (Gender Gelijkheid: EU-beleid in het Grote Merengebied)

Datum: 04-12-2019
Tijd: 20:00 - 21:30 uur
Locatie: Humanity House, Prinsegracht 8, 2512 GA Den Haag

Organized by Cordaid and EURAC
Gender equality is crucial for sustainable and peaceful development processes. Gender equality is therefore key in the European Union´s (EU) development policies. How can these policies be translated into actual change? Experts and activists will debate in a panel about the practical solutions to increase gender equality in Rwanda and Congo.
Experts and activists from Europe and the Great Lake District in Africa will provide their perspectives on the systematical integration of gender equality in foreign development policies. Through an interactive panel debate concrete steps will be identified to address gender equality by European development organizations.
Be welcome at this meeting and provide your expertise! Read more info here (in Dutch).
