Actueel | Agenda


Disability Justice Teach-In: Disability, Gender Equality and SRHR in Global Advocacy Spaces

Datum: 16-12-2024
Tijd: 13:00-14:30
Locatie: Online, Zoom

Thirty years after the Beijing conference in 1994 that established the commission on the status of women and proclaimed women rights to be human rights, women with disabilities still face significant barriers and are often pushed behind. Confronted by the intersection between patriarchy and ableism, women with disabilities face unique challenges which have to be taken into account by women's rights organizations, sexual rights organizations and disability rights organizations.
Join us for a webinar organized by the Community of Practice on Disability Justice and SRHR of Share-Net Netherlands and Liliane Fonds, and DCDD on the 16th of December, designed to deepen your understanding of the intersection between gender equality and SRHR on the one hand and disability justice on the other. 

Together with our expert panel of Lieke Scheewe from DCDD, and Vilda Atieno and Susan Sabano two members of Liliane Fonds’ Regional Council for Youth with Disabilities, the webinar will explore: 
  • Priorities for women with disabilities
  • Best practices for inclusive advocacy for gender equality and SRHR
  • Being an ally and accomplice for disability activists 
📅 Date: Monday, December 16th 
🕒 Time: 13.00 – 14.30 CET 
🌐 Location: Online (registration required

Be a part of this important conversation and play a role in advancing inclusive SRHR and gender equality for women with disabilities!
The Community of Practice on Disability Justice and SRHR of Share-Net Netherlands and Liliane Fonds, and DCDD organise this session in light of the Beijing+30 campaign. More information on the Campaign and the full programme can be found here.
* Artwork by Lydia X.Z. Brown (they/them)