Actueel | Agenda


Pathways to Peace

Lessons from 10 Years of Local Participatory and Inclusive Security Governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Datum: 06-02-2025
Tijd: 12-16u
Locatie: De Willemshof, Nassaulaan 12 in Den Haag

Today, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is at a turning point. The country, and particularly the eastern provinces, face persistent security challenges, armed conflicts, exploitation of national resources, and violence. Shaped by internal and external influences, these challenges have deepened mistrust between authorities and citizens, undermined public services, and incited corruption. Amongst challenges with the functioning of Congolese security services, and as after 25 years the UN Peacekeeping mission (MONUSCO) prepares to transition its responsibilities to national authorities, addressing such security threats has become a critical task.

This moment presents a unique opportunity to reflect and learn. What innovations and successes have emerged from strategies to support inclusive security governance? What challenges remain unresolved, especially in light of the retreat of MONUSCO? What lessons have been learned from the challenges faced by the different UN disarmament, demobilization and stabilization programmes. And what lessons can be drawn from DRC’s experience that may inform stabilization efforts in other contexts? Equally important, how does continued investment in stabilization abroad hold relevance for the Dutch and European context?

In order to strategize on these questions, VNG International and Cordaid warmly invite you to their event: Pathways to Peace. The conference offers an interesting mix of high-level panel sessions and plenary discussions. It brings together Congolese authorities and civil society, policymakers, NGO workers, researchers, and other experts from diverse fields related to local development, security governance, stabilization, and peacebuilding. 

When: Thursday February 6, 2025
Where: VNG International, De Willemshof (Nassaulaan 12) & online
Time: Programme from 12h00 to 16h00, followed by networking drinks. Thursday February 6, 2025 

Please register here by January 31st 