Datum: 17-03-2025Tijd: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm EDT (New York tijd)Locatie: UN Church Centre, 8th floor, New York
In 1995 the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action provided a seminal grounding in identifying and calling-out the various key economic challenges faced by women. A spectrum of interlocking oppressions, these included the lack of recognition and remuneration for unpaid care work, gendered segregations and exploitations in the workplace, obstructions in the access to economic resources, a closing-down of rights around basic services, and more.
Thirty years later, our global economic system remains mostly unchanged, with rising inequalities, a commodification of services and resources that lock those inequalities in, and a neoliberal mandate that persistently puts private accumulation and profit over social justice and planetary needs. While the past decades have seen a rise in acknowledgement of womxn’s role within the economy, beyond a (sometimes problematic) championing of women's economic empowerment at national and global levels, the aims of Beijing remain not only unanswered, but arguably more elusive than ever before as womxn suffer the impact of violence and conflict on their capacities to effectively engage economies bridled by debt, in pursuit of asserting their economic independence, and ensuring the sustainability of their productive efforts.
In this session they will be looking at the economic hopes and dreams of the Beijing Platform for Action through the lens of those feminist economic alternatives and realities already being proposed and delivered in multiple contexts. In sharing their stories of hope, resistance and imaginative solutions, our session will invite reflection, discussion, and participatory visioning for our economic futures.
More information also in the CSW69 NGO Forum app.