About us | What has WO=MEN achieved

What has WO=MEN achieved


Achieving global gender equality and respect for women's rights requires a systemic change in government, civil society, business and the public. A system change that actively promotes equal power, rights and opportunities for everyone.


WO=MEN, together with members and partners, contributed in recent years to the adaptation of discriminatory and harmful international and national laws and regulations. We put harmful and exclusive activities of Dutch companies at home and abroad on the agenda and were sometimes able to stop them. We lobbied for adequate resources and supported gender equality and women's rights activists in the Global South to pursue their own agendas. And we demanded worldwide change of restrictive social norms and behavior about what a real man or woman should be or should do.


Central to all this in recent years has been connecting with other international and national social movements, but also, where possible, an open exchange with representatives of governments and the business community.

In our ANNUAL REPORT 2022 you can read in detail how we bring different stakeholders together and work towards achieving the results: 

  1. The national and international standards, laws, policy and implementation for gender equality and women's rights are inclusive and sustainable;
  2. Individuals and groups have an inclusive and positive image of gender equality and women's rights;
  3. A strong and active civil society plays a crucial role in transforming (power) relations in the field of gender equality;
  4. Public and private institutions promote, facilitate and respect equal participation and women's rights.



The Database contains information about gender equality, respect for women's rights and all the themes WO=MEN strives for worldwide.