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What does it mean?



Women equals men



The English term 'gender' stands for the different social status and roles of men and women in society. Traditions, cultural and social circumstances largely determine how people in a society view the role and tasks of women and men. Therefore, as gender is not about biological differences but the expectations and the characteristics people attribute to a woman or a man, and the value accorded to them in a given society at a given moment of time.  


Gender non-conformity

When a person's behaviour, feelings and expression do not correspond to what we traditionally expect from the gender attributed at birth.

Gender equality
By gender equality we understand the equality and equal treatment of people of a different sex, gender or sexual orientation in society and before the law.

ICSR covenant
Covenants for international corporate social responsibility (ICSR) are a collaboration between businesses, governments, trade unions and social organisations. They collectively act to prevent any malpractices such as exploitation, animal suffering or environmental damage.

Lgbt / LGBTQ
LGBT is an English acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. 
In Dutch, the acronym LHBT is also used in which the 'G' for gay is replaced by the 'H' for homosexual.
LGBTQ with the Q for queer or questioning. The latter concerns (often young) people that have not (yet) established a sexual preference or are still searching.
LGBTQI, LGBTI or LHBTI with the 'I' for intersex condition.
LGBTQIA with the 'A' for asexuality.
LGBTQIAP with the 'P' for pansexual.
LGBTQASP with the 'S' for straight allies, which means heterosexual fighters of homophobia.
LGBTTTQQIAA for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Two-spirited, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally.
Since the number of letters could be endless on a sexual and gender continuum and so as not to exclude anyone, it is also possible to opt for LGBTQ+. This acronym is used to refer to all people that identify themselves as something other than heterosexual and/or cisgender.

Civil society
This refers to the series of social relationships in which citizens voluntarily organise themselves. They form an important aspect of a democracy, because individual citizens are stronger collectively, especially when facing the state in general and political decision-making in particular. The organisations can focus on their own interests, as well as on general well-being. Examples include women's rights organisations, trade unionism, educational organisations, consumer associations and volunteer institutions.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights

Stereotyping: what is it and how does it work?
Stereotypes are general ideas about the characteristics, properties and behaviour of a group, such as 'mothers are inflexible' and 'Polish people are alcoholics'. Stereotypes are generalisations and simplifications of the reality, which reduces a group to a cliché. We subsequently apply these general clichés about groups to individuals. There are two kinds of stereotypes: explicit and implicit. We are aware of explicit stereotypes and can also influence them. Implicit stereotypes are created as a result of associations in our brains, of which we are unaware; as a result we cannot effectively influence them. 

Transformative justice
Sustainably tackling underlying causes of injustice in the world.

Women, peace & security
In response to persistent pressure from civil society, the United Nations (UN) Security Council has adopted nine resolutions on 'Women, Peace and Security'. These resolutions are: 
1325 (2000); 1820 (2009); 1888 (2009); 1889 (2010); 1960 (2011); 2106 (2013); 2122 (2013); 2242 (2015), and 2467 (2019). These nine resolutions make up the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. They guide work to promote gender equality and strengthen women’s participation, protection and rights across the conflict cycle, from conflict prevention through post-conflict reconstruction
1325 is much more than a number or a resolution. UNSCR 1325 is a historic watershed political framework that shows how women and a gender perspective are relevant to negotiating peace agreements, planning refugee camps and peacekeeping operations and reconstructing war-torn societies for sustainable peace.



The Database contains information about gender equality, respect for women's rights and all the themes WO=MEN strives for worldwide.