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Roundtable Women's Rights and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the House of Representatives

At the initiative of SP Member of Parliament Sarah Dobbe, the Committee on Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation organized a roundtable on Women's Rights and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) on March 19th. In addition to member Dobbe, the attending MPs were Danielle Hirsch (PvdA/GroenLinks), Derk Boswijk (CDA), Mpanzu Bamenga (D66), and Femke Zeedijk (NSC).
The core of the discussion with, among others, WO=MEN, our members Oxfam and Rutgers, and partners Amnesty and Aidsfonds, was the importance of sustainable support for women's rights and SRHR. Find our contribution below. Find the contributions of the other speakers here.
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