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CSW68 Parallel event: Powerful Path to Peace: Women’s Leadership in Non-Violent Protest Movements

Date: 19-03-2024
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am (EDT) / 13:30 - 15:30 (CET)
Location: Online, zoom (registration below)



Tuesday 19 March 2024, 08:30-10:30 AM EDT (13:30-15:30 PM CET) 




To achieve gender equality while building peace, frontline woman and feminist peace activists and leading researchers will critically discuss and inform fellow activists and policy makers of the crucial, but so far often unacknowledged and less visible, role women’s leadership and insider mediation in non-violent movements play and make recommendations to shape the support (incl. financing) they need. They will examine how international actors (member states, multilateral organisations, INGOs) can provide support to women activists and movements in times of political upheaval, anti-gender backlash and deepening armed violence.
Ultimately, the event aims to inform effective international support for women’s leadership and insider mediation in non-violent protest movements.  

Click here to register for the event.
