Date: 30-11-2021Time: 1:30 PM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, ViennaLocation: online
The ultra-conservative political groups connect their backlash on women's rights, especially on the right to bodily autonomy, with an attack on the rights of LGBTQI* communities, among several other intersections.
This current political context visible in countries around the world opens up strategic questions on how LGBTQI* movements and feminists can and should further work together. What are examples of an effective shared strategy, common language? What differences do we need to learn about, especially when working from an intersectional perspective in which other intersections interrelate as well?
This webseminar is part of a series with 4 online seminars on Intersectional Feminisms, providing concrete ideas on how to work with an intersectional approach in feminist activism and public policy.
Intersectional feminism helps us to act on patterns of gendered discrimination in which multiple layers of power inequalities tied to other aspects of people's identities, such as age, gendered expression, color of skin, sexual orientation and location, are continuously reproducing multiple discrimination.
ENG, with translation into ESP and FR