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Mini-Film Festival bridging the gender pay-gap

Date: 10-11-2021
Time: 7 – 9 pm CET
Location: online

Even in 2021, the gender pay-gap remains still a big challenge. Despite many organizations developing policies and plans on diversity and inclusion, changes are coming slowly. According to EU data, in 2020 women in the EU earn on average 15% less per hour than men for similar work. There are major differences between member states: Estonia has the largest pay gap at 23%, while Romania has the lowest pay gap at 3%. In Belgium the pay gap is 6% and in the Netherlands 15%.

Simon Koolwijk directed and produced three movies, that show some of the obstacles in human behaviour at individual and organizational level in bridging the pay-gap. Therefore, an online Mini-Film Festival will take place on the 10th November, 2021 from 7 – 9 pm CET (Amsterdam time zone)
The aim is to put the spotlight on the films and spark a discussion about the gender pay-gap and inclusivity. Simon is a filmmaker and participatory video expert and will focus on sharing stories from his own personal life on the gender pay-gap and diversity. After each film, participants will discuss in small groups and share their own stories and perspectives on the topic. 
You are welcome to participate and share your insights and thoughts. 
Participation is free.  The event will be in English. Maximum 95 of participants.
Please register here