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Date: 08-03-2022
Time: 19.00
Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam

It is 2022 and we are taking stock: The Netherlands is in position 31 of the Global Gender Gap Index. In short, we are still far from the FemTopia we dream of: a women-friendly, inclusive and accessible world where everyone is valued and gender may not even matter anymore. After years of hard work, many wheels invented and strong shoulders to stand on, we are now in the fourth feminist wave. An intersectional and activist wave made up of many voices with different priorities, but one common goal: an equal country where women want and can live, work, care, enjoy, excel and love.

And we lived long and equal lives.

On March 8, we invite you - old hands in the femi-profession, the hard core of the struggle for equality, new kids on the block and all other curious minds - to Pakhuis de Zwijger to celebrate International Women's Day and to give shape to FemTopia little by little. Expect feminism, celebration and finally physical strolling again!
More information here.