CSW69: Workshop CSW Revitatalisation
Date: 15-01-2025Time: 14.00 - 16.30 hrs (doors open at 13.45 hrs)Location: WO=MEN office, The HagueCare to join us for the CSW Revitalization workshop?
WO=MEN, Atria and Mondiaal FNV are organizing an interactive workshop on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 to jointly develop priorities and recommendations for the "revitalization” of the CSW. These recommendations will be presented to the Dutch delegation on January 27 during the CSW NGO Briefing at the Ministry of OCW.
For whom:
This workshop is organised for diverse civil society (NGOs, activists, academia, students, researchers, freelancers) in the Netherlands with interest and/or involvement in the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
This workshop will take place in English.
Purpose of workshop:
- Increase knowledge about what the CSW revitalization process is about and what the opportunities and risks of this may be.
- Jointly develop priorities and recommendations for the Dutch CSW delegation.
Draft program:
- Introduction: What is 'CSW revitalization' and where does it come from? What do we know about the upcoming process for 'revitalization'?
- How does the UN/ CSW work now? Brief introduction of the current mandate and ways of working of the committee and other relevant UN processes. Joint examination of current (geopolitical) contexts/ developments and how they play a role in UN processes and this revitalization process.
- Break
- Facilitated group discussions on possible recommendations.
- Plenary compilation of recommendations and priorities.
Pre-registration is required. To do so, please send an email to Nadia (n.vanderlinde [@] wo-men.nl)