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Building forward better - Reaffirming the Sustainable Recovery Pledge

Date: 18-01-2022
Location: online

The Sustainable Recovery Pledge was launched in June 2021 in conjunction with the 47th session of the Human Rights Council. Signatories to the pledge, expressed their commitment to a COVID-19 recovery strategy aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris agreement, grounded in human rights.

As we enter 2022, the Pandemic continues to take its devastating toll across the world, heightened by the ongoing climate emergency, exacerbating existing inequalities- spatial as well as between women and men, age groups and other population groups. Only two years into the Decade of Action to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals, the COVID-19 pandemic, threatens to unravel decades of development gains, but also serve as a catalyst for human rights violations globally.

In this context, re-emphasizing the social contract between rights-holders and duty-bearers, through a recovery strategy based on human rights, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, is essential.

The upcoming Human Rights Council intersessional meeting on the 2030 Agenda and Human rights on January 18th 2022 will be an important opportunity to reaffirm the Sustainable Recovery Pledge and take stock of commitments. At the event State and non-state actors will be invited to reflect on developments, good practices and lessons learned.

The pledge has been signed by 49 states and supported by 27 organizations, together representing a diverse range of actors (find the pledge, signatories and supporters here).

The programme for the online event:

  • High-level opening
  • Panel discussions on:
  1. Universal health coverage and vaccine equity,
  2. Participatory governance practices and service delivery mechanisms that reduce inequality and a green and just recovery.
  • Closing and next steps

The online side event will take place on Microsoft Teams. Kindly register via this link

By registering you also grant us permission to contact you via the registered email with a participation link, a reminder email, and material from the event after the event has taken place.

The event will be in English and there will be simultaneous interpretation to Spanish and French. The recording of the event will be publicly available. More information here.